Sunday, October 25, 2009

Electronic Quill Quits, Colics, Dies

And that is why the quill and quire are mightier than the modern method. The night before last I was preparing to dictate a missive to the woman (not pontificate, as she will have it) and the damnable machine just shut itself off and refused to waken. Some sort of torsion or colic-related ailment is my guess. Even the experts could not get it to respond. So, we have a new writing machine which Herself is trying to cajole into working mode. Even on one of her brighter days she can barely operate one of those Bic pens so please bear with me.

I have a request for my dear readers. She has, not surprisingly, lost my electronic mail account and cannot remember my exact address. She knows it starts with Sheaffer (what a brilliant feat of deduction) but can't quite remember the rest. Could one of you who has corresponded with me through that method please remind her of the address. I know - I'm embarrassed for her too. Not surprised, just embarrassed. Of course, this is someone who treks out to the barn for some reason known only to herself and then stands there massaging her forehead and saying "Sheaffer, why did I come out here?" As if I can read what passes for her mind!

None of us equines is having memory difficulties. Every morning we remember the newly opened grazing area and gallop off in the fall fog to begin our daily feast. Unfortunately, the grass knows winter is creeping up on us and has gone into hibernation. We will indulge ourselves until the last blade is gone and then have to make do with the pittance she allows us.


BumbleVee said...

I have it..... here ya go guys...

back later...gotta go hold something for the guy...he is gluing stuff in the garage and needs 9 more arms and hands....

ponymaid said...

Thank you BumbleVee. I knew one of my correspondents, who all have superior memories (and extra arms and hands in your case!)would come to the aid of the perpetually perplexed. You can see the sort of thing I must endure. At least she wasn't searching for her glasses. which are usually entangled in the rat's nest she calls hair...Pshaw!

Buddy said...

Hay Sheaffer - another exciting morning here - I tried to colic - ate half my breakfast and laid down - tummy hurt - got up - had to lay down again. Luckily mother saw me and came running out with the stick thingy and made me get up and walk around - I didn't want to but I did - so we walked and walked and then I trotted - without being told and then she stopped after forever. Then I stood around - contemplating laying down again - out she comes with my halter and lead rope - more walking around the property - finally after 10 minutes or forever she brought me back to my paddock. I stood around for a while - kept looking at my breakfast that she pulled out of my paddock - whinneyed several times - nothing. So I pooped a couple of times - drank some water and stood around again. Finally she gave me the rest of my breakfast. I'm feeling pretty good now. Afraid to lay down for a nap - the stick thingy might come out again. Well thats it for now.

Your fren,

Buddy said...

Hay Sheaffer - I just wanted to add that I hope we don't have any more excitement around here for a long time. I'm tired!

Your fren,

ponymaid said...

Buddy, this has to stop! I know about those glass stick things (I presume you mean the one they insert after sneaking around behind you). You probably scared the bejeebers out of your woman, so use it to advantage - look pale and utter feeble cries to alert her to your weakened state. Exact whatever you can in the way of treats and attention before she catches on. Sleep well, my friend, and no more of the collywobbles.

Buddy said...

Hay Sheaffer - its wasn't one of those glass sticks - it is the pokey stick as I call it - the one mother uses to get me to move - a whip - no - not exactly. If she came at me with the glass thing you are referring to I would gallop like I was a yearling. She did order one today - jeeze - I hope she never has to use it. EWWWWWWWWW

Your fren,

billie said...

My word!

Electronic machines getting the belly ache and then Buddy!

Glad you are feeling better, Buddy - take care and stay well.

Sheaffer, I have just had my daily laugh and am now feeling quite relaxed and happy.

I must say, I hope Rafer Johnson and Redford never gain access to a blog. All my flaws and foibles revealed! I'm not sure I could take it. :)