Friday, April 16, 2010

My Week Thus Far

I am pleased to report that Molly's recalcitrant eye wound is finally consenting to heal. She is still having eye cream put in three times daily and is on some powdery pain killer but she is making a magnificent effort at keeping her caloric intake high. Hasn't lost an ounce and in fact is expanding due to spring greenery. Buddy sent her a get well card all the way from Nevada and she has it displayed next to her valentine, though she would prefer to wear it as a stylish eye patch. Molly the Pony Pirate - the mind boggles.

The woman saddled Doc up yesterday and they went for their first ride in the sand ring. She fastened him on the long rope to spin him around a bit before riding, in case he was full of what Jack calls the "heebie jeebies". He wasn't, but a few minutes in he began making truly alarming noises - a cross between gulping, sighing and gargling. The woman was highly alarmed until she realized he had the hiccups. She plunked herself down in the saddle and off they went - Doc making ungodly "hhhhuuuuunhhh" sounds that could be heard across the county and herself beset by a fit of the giggles every time he did so. It was such a shameful spectacle that I withdrew for fear of encouraging them.

I've been busy supervising those humans on the two-wheeled pedal machines that travel in packs down our road. I can't say why but I find them highly irritating. Maybe it's the infernal buzzing the machines make or maybe it's garish clothing that appears to have been painted onto their persons - I honestly don't know. I simply don't understand anything that travels at such a high speed with such a sense of haste. I stick my head through the fence and glare at them sternly, occasionally giving voice to my disapproval. That usually consolidates the pack and causes it to veer into the middle of the road.

That leads me to another important topic. The woman and I are reading a book called "Wisdom of Donkeys" by Andy Merrifield. It's about the Andy human walking through an area of France, accompanied by a tremendously dignified donkey called Gribouille. Of course, they travel at sensible donkey speed. No rusing about with the wind whistling through their ears, no wearing of shiny, skin-tight garments but lots of time to examine the miniscule details that make up everyday life.

I have asked my good friend Billie who writes the blog to share her thoughts on this book and she has graciously assented. I can't wait to hear her views! Thank you Billie.


billie said...

I'm very happy to hear about Molly's eye, and as usual, Buddy is such a good friend sending her a card. Molly manages to reel them in, doesn't she? :)

Why would anyone ride a two-wheeler that buzzes when they could ride a horse that hiccups? And sometimes they even do other noisy things!

I am completely honored to be a guest blogger on your esteemed site, Sheaffer. I hope I can live up to your regular charm and humor. (probably not, but I doubt any of your readers expects that, so I will not stress over it!)

I hope you realize that the count-down to the party of the year is rolling on! We look forward to it with great anticipation.

ponymaid said...

Billie, Molly's card collection grows along with her already-considerable self esteem. The eye does seem some better and that's a relief to us all. And oh my, you're so right about Doc making even louder noises...Billie, I am humbled that you have consented to be my guest blogger - Jack says "gal writes so good she could write the hind leg right off of a dog" errr, yes, quite the compliment, I think. You're sure you can't make it to my party? It's shaping up to be quite an occasion if early signs can be trusted.

billie said...

Coming from Jack, I take that as a high compliment!

Come over to camera-obscura and read what I found this morning - it's an English proverb to do with donkeys!

Rising Rainbow said...

I don't know that I've ever heard a horse hiccup. That would be a hoot

ponymaid said...

Rainbow Rising, Doc is very much of a hoot, I'm afraid. He's from the banana peel school of humour and found the hiccup event most amusing. I wonder if his idea of extreme equitation was what Xenophon had in mind...

Buddy said...

Hay Sheaffer - how is my girl doing? Me - pulled a muscle running around like an idiot - mom's words not mine. Mom is massaging my muscles with some smelly stuff - feels a little better - kinda limping around - but I'm ok - ready to run some more - like next week.

Tell Molly I send my love.

Your fren,

ponymaid said...

Buddy, the girl is improving slowly but eyes are a tricky business. She must wear her flymask and have her face washed off each day. Now, what on earth were you doing speeding around your paddock? I understand there are equine masseurs - perhaps your woman could find you one? Hopefully you wouldn't have to lie on one of those narrow beds...