Monday, April 14, 2008

Return of "Her Bossiness"

We've had a wonderful time the last few days. Marianne, our substitute chambermaid, was far superior to the woman. She made our rooms up to perfection and left an artistic fan of carrots on each of our flakes of hay. She let us supervise to our hearts' content and told us all how superior and handsome we are. She didn't once refer to us as "a herd of calculating evil equine entities".

Doc doesn't like any sort of change so he acquired a messy cut over one eye before the woman left in hopes she would cancel her trip. It swelled up to an impressive boiled egg size and he moaned a little and stuck his head under the woman's arm. It very nearly worked and caused her to become agitated enough to consider not going but then she put some cream on it and it started getting better. Callous heart that she is, she went, though she kept running back to say yet another goodbye before she finally drove off. We immediately resumed foraging for food.

The male human was equally accomodating and saw to our every need. Unfortunately he didn't let us examine any power tools. Our friend Jamie was with him when he put us in last night and even though TJ has seen him many times, he wouldn't come in the barn with two human males in there. Jamie had to go and stand well outside the paddock before TJ would consent to enter. I haven't experienced it myself, but TJ says male humans are highly dangerous and unpredictable.

I'm sorry to say the woman came back blathering about a four day old mini TJ that she saw at this Equi-mania thing she attended. There was a sign saying it was a very rare black mini mule - just my luck, the only other one around and it comes here to live. The infant mule was a holy terror and kept his horse mother under a perpetual state of assault (when it wasn't doing laps of the stall). My advice to them is to leave it at the side of the road with a sign around it's neck saying "Free". Of course it would probably eat the sign.

Her presents to us are highly practical and therefore dull. A flymask with bubble- shaped eye covers that will make Doc look like a space alien. A beaded fly veil and bridle for Molly, a halter for TJ, and a fleece harness pad and stall front donkey cutout for me. The other humans bought their equines much nicer things - like sugary snack food. We did get new clippers and hopefully they're quieter than the gigantic ones they use on me that sound like B52 bombers.

Ah well, back to humouring herself. We all pretended not to know her last night but this morning I gave her a light nuzzling. Safer to keep on her good side.


billie said...

I'm glad the woman is safely back and with gifts, even if they're not the sweet crunchy kind.

I have a question for a wise donkey.

When I snuggle Rafer Johnson, he makes these little snort sounds that at first scared me to death - I thought he had pneumonia! The sounds are nasal and soft, and he only does it when I'm close and then stop the hug/scratches. Our donkey resource said it sounds to her like Rafer is making "happy donkey" sounds.

What do you think?

(the pneumonia thing is my own paranoia - someone local rescued a young donkey from an auction recently and he sadly died due to pneumonia that did not respond to treatment - Rafer is not "off" in any way... but when I noticed these new sounds, I immediately panicked!)

ponymaid said...

billie, what a good description of a happy donkey! Yes, I make those very same noises myself, when I am particularly pleased with the quality of attention I'm receiving. It can become quite loud and sounds like a cross between gargling, snoring and rumbling. I'm not sure how exactly I make the noise and sometimes it just slips out even when I don't want them to know I'm in a state of donkey bliss. It's been compared to a bizarre form of cat purring - how rude! Rafer sounds like a bright young donkey, capable of handling his human with a firm but loving hoof.

billie said...

Exactly - that cross between gargling, snoring, and rumbling! Thank you so much for setting my mind at ease.

Rafer is quite confident and intelligent. He moved at 7 months of age into a herd of 3 horses and a pony, and brilliantly won them all over. He can now move them off hay piles in the field by running fast and spinning his butt beneath their noses where he bucks it up until they leave.

And if I am out picking hooves and forget his he very helpfully gets the hoof pick out of the grooming kit and hands it to me.

I'm not sure how I knew he would be such a good addition to our family, but... I just had a feeling. :)