Friday, November 16, 2007

My First Parade

The woman tells me that my services are required at something called the "Santa Claus Parade" in two weeks time. I am to pull a friend of hers in my red and green two-wheeled cart. I would prefer to ride IN the cart, but am never given a say in this. I quite like meeting the public and just hope the human offspring are well behaved. There have been mumblings about decorating my person in various bows, scarfs, antlers etc. - we'll see about that...I am a low-key individual who prefers to wear muted greys accented with black.

Weather permitting, I may practice my driving skills this weekend. I pride myself on the smoothness and accuracy of my moves in harness. I can complete a course comprised of pairs of cones without touching one - unless the human driver interferes. I was once entered in a driving competition but the other competitors, all horses, withdrew at the last minute. It was suggested that they couldn't stand the thought of losing to a donkey. They were obviously quaking in their horse shoes.


Anonymous said...

Heya Sheaff! I can't believe I'm going to be in the parade with you! Don't worry about the antlers though! I'll beg to wear them to spare you pain (although i doubt it will work...)But yes the bows, and scarves... My mom bought a box full... I can't help you there... I'll try my best to hide them though! ^_^

missmbergman said...

Hey Sheaffer! I have to tell you...Your blog is on my favourites and I religiously check for updates everyday. Your human does sound a little nuts, but not more so than I am. She just loves you! I am glad you have figured out that it is you that owns her, not the other way around. I accepted that a long time ago when Lacey so kindly informed me that I should stop putting my name as "Owner" on her nameplates but rather as "Servant".

ponymaid said...

spaceylacey - you sound like you deserve the highest donkey approval rating. I'll bet YOU wouldn't put antlers on a dignified middle-aged donkey...My human isn't quite as bright as you are, but her training is ongoing. Thank you for reading my blog. My plan is to publish it and become so rich that the woman will have indulge my every wish or I'll fire her.

ponymaid said...

Alex, my elk friend, thank you for trying to intervene on by behalf, but I know these women, and they will show no mercy when it comes to dressing me up...